Flying at Fort Battleford – circa 1960

I had first know Jerry Iverson as a teenager. He was my own age and lived north of North Battleford. We met again when I was at Fort Battleford and he was still living in the area. Jerry had become owner of a very small aircraft that would carry two if they weren’t too big. […]

Flying with Lamb Airways – 1968

LAMB AIRWAYS TO YORK FACTORIES There was a time I travelled with my Director, Bill McKim, on a Lamb Airways plane out of La Pas. We were travelling from Thompson, Manitoba to York Factory on Hudson’s Bay. We were ready to leave when the young Lamb boy who was to pilot the plane got an […]

Flying was the Only Way -1975

When I was responsible for National Historic Sites for all of western Canada I was required to do a lot of traveling among those very scattered locations. Flying was the only practical way to get from Calgary to the most of them. Those big jets and commercial flights carried a lot of passengers and one […]

Little Jane at Fort Walsh (1953)

It is probably more logical than amazing, how experiences of the past will trigger our thoughts in the present. This happened to me on my very first visit to Fort Walsh. To do my job well at Fort Battleford I needed to know the history of the North West Mounted Police, and that required knowing […]