THE TEN MOST IMPORTANT TATRO ANCESTORS – 5) Francois Moyse Tetreau-dit-Ducharme 1814-1893 ?
This is the person, who became known as “Moses Tatro”. The name, Francois, passed down through several generations before him, was dropped in his early childhood, probably from birth. Several generations before him, many used “Tetro” as their family name. In the early 1700s that spelling was used by priests in baptism documents of the […]
THE TEN MOST IMPORTANT TATRO ANCESTORS – 4) Francoise Sauvagese, “Madame Dumouchel”
This young lady was a native Ojibwa, born about 1769 in the Courtes Orielles River area. She lived with her band east of what is now, Lake Michigan, in the United States. For over 170 years French traders had come to that area and gone back to Montreal with their furs, so these white men […]
THE TEN MOST IMPORTANT TATRO ANCESTORS – Jean Baptiste Trudeau 1748 – 1827
Jean Baptiste was 4th generation of the very prominent Trudeau family in New France. With his good schooling in his home area of Montreal and after the British conquest of New France, Jean Baptiste took off following the footsteps of generations of his forefathers into the lucrative fur trade to the south. He traded and […]
TEN MOST IMPORTANT TATRO ANCESTORS – part 2 : Octavo “Judge” Barker
2) Octavo Barker (1827-1922) Octavo Barker disliked his first named enough that he called himself “Bob”. Bob was 6th generation of this Barker family in North America and, my mother’s grandfather. He was born and raised on “Barker Hill” in the State of Maine, where 14 families of Barkers had settled. As a youth, Bob […]
Illustration of Marie Noelle Landeau taken from “The Far Fields” by Margot Stimely 1} Marie Noelle Nathalie Landeau 1638-1706. Noelle, as she is called in many places, may have been one of the “King’s Daughters” or “Filles du Roi”. One of the girls who left her native France to come to the wilds of New […]
INTRODUCTION Recently, my son, Richard said to me, ” I have a job for you.” Oh?” I said “Yes” he continued. “Will you make a list of the ten most important ancestors in our family?”, I had to ponder only a brief bit before responding in the affirmative. And then I complicated things by asking […]
MEMORIES OF DAD, Henry Lynn Tatro or I Thought He Was Killed, 1934
Back when I was on the farm, grain bins weren’t the round metal ones of today – they were made of wood and almost looked like little houses and sometimes the wooden bins needed to be moved. One time when I was about ten, I watched as Dad was moving a bin. To move those […]
MEMORIES OF DAD – Henry Lynn Tatro or On Hawks, Chickens and Shotguns – 1932?
If I have learned anything from hearing and preparing Dad’s stories for this blog it is how precious food sources were in the 1930s . The Lynn Tatro family kept a large garden where they grew among other things, lima beans. Dad talks about growing and eating lots of beans. For years I thought he […]
During the last year of teaching, as vice-principal of junior high at Mervin, I had taken over the Van den Burg and Beeching farms, getting a period of relaxation much more to my nature than the classroom. We spent one year at that, but it was evident that the returns from that farming were not […]
MEMORIES OF DAD – Hauling Winter Wood 1948
In 1928, following several productive years, a new house was started for the Tatros on the west quarter of section 17, township 43, range 14, west of the 3rd meridian, close to the highway and railway that paralleled it and convenient for the children to walk to the Brada school. To make it possible for […]